Corporate Profile

PT Assetra Inno Medikos was established in 2011. Our objective is testing the safety and efficacy of cosmetic and toiletries products. In 2014, PT Assetra Inno Medikos was accredited by SGS-UKAS Management System to ISO 9001:2008 certificate.
One year later, we conducted also testing on a household product, looking for the safety potency of it. In the year 2017, PT Assetra Inno Medikos is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

More and more, besides Indonesian products, the company has been gaining trust to test international products from European, American, Australian and Asian companies, among others from Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Those cooperation and experiences strengthen us as an independent trusted Clinical Testing Laboratory Worldwide, based in Indonesia.

The backbones of our success are our well-founded methodologies, multidisciplinary experts, trained personnel and well-rounded service. Those are fully supported by our experienced Principal Investigator in clinical testing, Dr.rer.nat. Anna Setiadi Ranti, Apt.

Today, we have served worldwide companies with almost complete testing for cosmetics and topical health products include toiletries, topical herbal medicines, topical medical devices, and -drugs.

Anna Setiadi Ranti, Dr.rer.nat. Apt.

Founder & Director of PT Assetra Inno Medikos
Senior Toxicologist – Pharmacologist – Cosmetologist
Independent Certified Safety Assessor