Pelayanan Kami

Assetra Clinical Testing Laboratory

Mendukung Klaim Keamanan dan Manfaat
untuk Produk Anda


Product Safety Testing

PT Assetra Inno Medikos carries out some product safety testing: Irritation testing, Allergy Testing, etc

Product Efficacy Testing

Our product efficacy testing, using instrumental techniques such as corneometry, cutometry, etc

Corporate Profile

The safety of your products and proof of their efficacy are the objectives we propose to undertake jointly…

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Articles, News and Upcoming Events

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The Leader of Assetra is Graduated as Founder Fellow FAPA CP in Seoul - Pimpinan Assetra dilantik sebagai Founder Fellow FAPA CP di Seoul
Pimpinan Assetra dilantik sebagai Founder Fellow FAPA CP di Seoul 1200 1600 PT ASSETRA INNO MEDIKOS

Pimpinan Assetra dilantik sebagai Founder Fellow FAPA CP di Seoul

Para Founder FAPA CP (Federation of Asian Pharmacist College of Pharmacy) Indonesia Chapter berkumpul untuk menghadiri upacara khusus pada Konferensi FAPA 2024 di Seoul pada tanggal 1 Nopember 2024.

a Panelist.

Let’s join us now and earn extra cash with flexible time for testing cosmetic, personal care, healthy and beauty product

Pimpinan Assetra dilantik sebagai Founder Fellow FAPA CP di Seoul 1200 1600 PT ASSETRA INNO MEDIKOS

Pimpinan Assetra dilantik sebagai Founder Fellow FAPA CP di Seoul

Para Founder FAPA CP (Federation of Asian Pharmacist College of Pharmacy) Indonesia Chapter berkumpul untuk menghadiri upacara khusus pada Konferensi FAPA 2024 di Seoul pada tanggal 1 Nopember 2024.